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358 weeks ago

Your Dream Job - Book 4: Job Interview & Assessment Preparation
by Jo Banks

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Welcome to the &#x2018;Your Dream Job&#x2019; series. This programme has been designed specifically to give you all the tools, techniques and support you need to land the job of your dreams. It covers everything from successfully managing job loss, getting clear about your next role, effective CV writing, interview skills to how to handle the all-important job offer and everything else in between.<br /><br />Book 4 in the &#x2018;Dream Job&#x2019; series, covers the following topics:&#xa0;<br /><br />Assessment Types & Preparation &#x2013; As increasing numbers of candidates have entered the job arena, with fewer and fewer roles available, recruitment processes have become more sophisticated. Recruiters now use a far larger range of assessment tools than ever before to pre-sift applications as cheaply as possible while ensuring that only the best candidates get through to costly face to face interviews. Preparation is essential when it comes to most recruitment assessments. For example, did you know that you can prepare of around 80% of interview questions? This book covers the most typical selection methods, what to expect from them, how they work and how to prepare to give you the best chance of success.<br /><br />Interview Skills &#x2013; Is packed full of top tips ranging from what to take to an interview, through to what to wear/how to present yourself. It also discusses how to communicate and influence effectively. <br /><br />Presentation Skills &#x2013; Describes a six-step, fool-proof process for planning and delivering an effective presentation. It also includes a section on how to prepare for and answer awkward questions.<br /><br />The information provided in the Your Dream Job series has been proven to be successful for thousands of people. Everything included is simple and easy to follow but makes a significant impact. This stuff works!<br /><br />Jo Banks, a Business Owner, Transformational Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, CBT Therapist and author has more than 20 years&#x2019; experience as a Senior HR Professional, before establishing her own Coaching and Consultancy Practice, What Next Consultancy (UK) Ltd in 2009. With experience of working within a range of industries, Jo has a strong track record in positively creating high-performance cultures and dealing with complex people issues.<br /><br />As well as providing coaching and leadership development, Jo has developed innovative Outplacement and Redeployment programmes which she and her colleagues deliver to organisations experiencing organisational change. She has combined her knowledge of recruitment (gained from interviewing thousands of people throughout her HR career), plus her insider knowledge of the recruitment industry, with her unique style of coaching to design unique programmes that deliver exceptional results.<br />

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last edited 334 weeks ago by Fauflann
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